Non-Iterative Optimization of Pseudo-Labeling Thresholds for Training Object Detection Models from Multiple Datasets


We propose a non-iterative method to optimize pseudo-labeling thresholds for learning object detection from a collection of low-cost datasets, each of which is annotated for only a subset of all the object classes. A popular approach to this problem is first to train teacher models and then to use their confident predictions as pseudo ground-truth labels when training a student model. To obtain the best result, however, thresholds for prediction confidence must be adjusted. This process typically involves iterative search and repeated training of student models and is time-consuming. Therefore, we develop a method to optimize the thresholds without iterative optimization by maximizing the $F_\beta$-score on a validation dataset, which measures the quality of pseudo labels and can be measured without training a student model. We experimentally demonstrate that our proposed method achieves an mAP comparable to that of grid search on the COCO and VOC datasets.

2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Bordeaux, France, 2022, pp. 1676-1680.