NEC バイオメトリクス研究所で研究員として、また理研 AIP で客員研究員として、機械学習・画像認識を研究に従事しています。 主に、弱教師あり学習や転移学習など、限られた教師データからの機械学習技術に関心があります。 その他、深層学習技術には画像認識への応用から理論的な側面まで興味があります。
入社前は東京大学大学院で物理を研究し博士号を取得しました。 当時は、強相関量子気体や少数多体系(3 体問題など)の普遍性を中心に研究していました。
参加した国際会議で同姓同名の方に出会ったことがあります。 各所に吉田周平さんがいらっしゃるのでご注意ください。 英語での発表は、ミドルネーム付きの Shuhei M. Yoshida 名義で行っています。
博士(理学), 2018
修士(理学), 2015
学士(理学), 2013
This paper discusses the problem of weakly supervised classification, in which instances are given weak labels that are produced by some label-corruption process. The goal is to derive conditions under which loss functions for weak-label learning are proper and lower-bounded – two essential requirements for the losses used in class-probability estimation. To this end, we derive a representation theorem for proper losses in supervised learning, which dualizes the Savage representation. We use this theorem to characterize proper weak-label losses and find a condition for them to be lower-bounded. From these theoretical findings, we derive a novel regularization scheme called generalized logit squeezing, which makes any proper weak-label loss bounded from below, without losing properness. Furthermore, we experimentally demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach, as compared to improper or unbounded losses. The results highlight the importance of properness and lower-boundedness.
«Physical Review Letters Editor’s Suggestion»
We investigate the problem of an infinitely heavy impurity interacting with a dilute
Bose gas at zero temperature. When the impurity-boson interactions are short-ranged,
we show that boson-boson interactions induce a quantum blockade effect, where a single
boson can effectively block or screen the impurity potential. Since this behavior
depends on the quantum granular nature of the Bose gas, it cannot be captured within
a standard classical-field description. Using a combination of exact quantum Monte
Carlo methods and a truncated basis approach, we show how the quantum correlations
between bosons lead to universal few-body bound states and a logarithmically slow
dependence of the polaron ground-state energy on the boson-boson scattering length.
Moreover, we expose the link between the polaron energy and the spatial structure of
the quantum correlations, spanning the infrared to ultraviolet physics.