Shuhei M. Yoshida / 吉田 周平
Shuhei M. Yoshida / 吉田 周平
Shuhei M. Yoshida
Action-Agnostic Point-Level Supervision for Temporal Action Detection
Appearance-Based Curriculum for Semi-Supervised Learning With Multi-Angle Unlabeled Data
Non-Iterative Optimization of Pseudo-Labeling Thresholds for Training Object Detection Models from Multiple Datasets
Lower-Bounded Proper Losses for Weakly Supervised Classification
Lower-Bounded Proper Losses for Weakly Supervised Classification
Quantum Behavior of a Heavy Impurity Strongly Coupled to a Bose Gas
Learning from expert datasets
Impurity-induced multibody resonances in a Bose gas
Impurity-induced multibody resonances in a Bose gas
Few-body states of bosons interacting with a heavy quantum impurity
Impurity-Induced Multibody Resonances in a Bose Gas
Universality of an impurity in a Bose-Einstein condensate
Universality of an Impurity in a Bose-Einstein Condensate
ボース・アインシュタイン凝縮体中のポーラロンにおける普遍性 ("Universality of an impurity in a Bose-Einstein condensate")
Universal Properties in a Fermi Gas with a Resonant $p$-Wave Interaction
$p$-wave contact tensor: Universal properties of axisymmetry-broken $p$-wave Fermi gases
Universal Properties in a Fermi Gas with a Resonant $p$-Wave Interaction
Universal Relations and Contact Tensor in a Resonant $p$-Wave Fermi Gas
共鳴的に$p$波相互作用するフェルミ気体の普遍的な性質 ("Universal properties of resonantly interacting $p$-wave Fermi gas")
Universality and Anisotropy in a Resonant $p$-Wave Fermi Gas
Contact Tensor in a $p$-Wave Fermi Gas with Anisotropic Feshbach Resonances
Universality and Anisotropy in a Resonant $p$-Wave Fermi Gas
Universality and Anisotropy in a Resonant $p$-Wave Fermi Gas
Universal Properties and Contact Tensor in a $p$-Wave Fermi Gas
$p$波フェルミ気体における異方的コンタクト ("Anisotropic Contact in a $p$-Wave Fermi Gas")
Universality and Anisotropy in a Resonantly Interacting $p$-Wave Fermi Gas
共鳴$p$波フェルミ気体の普遍性と異方性 ("Universality and Anisotropy in a Resonantly Interacting $p$-wave Fermi Gas")
共鳴$p$波フェルミ気体の普遍性と異方性 ("Universality and Anisotropy in a Resonantly Interacting p-Wave Fermi Gas")
共鳴$p$波相互作用するスピンレス・フェルミ気体の普遍的性質 ("Universal Properties in a Spinless Fermi Gas with a Resonant $p$-wave Interaction")
Universal High-Momentum Asymptote and Thermodynamic Relations in a Spinless Fermi Gas with a Resonant $p$-Wave Interaction
Universal high-momentum asymptote and thermodynamic relations in a spinless Fermi gas with a resonant $p$-wave interaction
Universal high-momentum behaviors and thermodynamic relations in a spinless Fermi gas with a resonant $p$-wave interaction
$p$波フェルミ気体の相関関数と熱力学の普遍的な関係 ("Universal relations between correlation functions and the thermodynamics in a $p$-wave Fermi gas")